
“Old age ain't no place for sissies.” .. Bette Davis

  • Warning ! Very Old Person Blogging




  • My Life and Times

    I was born in 1939 BC.
    That’s ‘Before Computers’.

    Luckily I survived the following events in my life, such as

    World War II, The London Blitz, Rationing, and worst of all… Archbishop Temple’s School.




    During the mid 1950s I was enjoying Rock ‘n’ Roll and being a first generation teenager, when suddenly, just like Elvis, I found myself in uniform during ‘The Cold War’…and then




    I became ‘a family’. Which meant that I sort of missed the ‘swinging sixties’, but still managed to look a complete prat in the 70s, just like everyone else.




    During the ‘Thatcher Years’ I lost my hair and a lot of people lost a good deal more. My career fluctuated to say the least as I was demoted, promoted, fired and hired a number of times, but still I managed to stagger on into a welcome retirement and to celebrate 60 years of happy marriage.


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  • October 2012
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Time for turds at ‘The Turner’ again !

Posted by Big John on October 4, 2012

Yes, once again it is one of the highlights of my year !  It’s ‘Turner Prize’ time and one of the leading contenders in this  year’s competition is a female performance artist named Spartacus Chetwynd who wears a bushy black beard and lives in a nudist commune in ‘exotic’ Nunhead. So nothing new there then !

Apparently her ‘happening’ takes place in a gallery where some young men cunningly disguised as root vegetables writhe and wriggle around in their tights. Her works are said to be ..“exuberant, spontaneous and filled with a kind of Dionysian and orgiastic energy that some audiences clearly find contagious”. Well they would say that wouldn’t they !  Oh! and I almost forgot. It also includes a puppet show which is something to do with Christ and Barabbas. Perhaps, during the performance, Ms. Chetwynd will have an “I’m Spartacus!” moment and end up hanging on a cross beside poor old Jesus.

Of course  ‘The Turner’ wouldn’t be ‘The Turner’ without excrement featuring somewhere, and this year we have an exhibit showing poo having sex with itself at an orgy, which has been hailed by the judges as “a compelling life project”, and curator Sofia Karamani said that the place where the crap is copulating ..  “is not a coherent geographical location with a linear history. It is an ongoing journey in a world that is the equivalent of reality, a state of mind.”

Critics have described the show as “demanding and thoughtful” where “high seriousness and scatological humour, ribald performance, death and despair all play their part.”  and one con ‘artist’s video exhibit, which splices a lecture on church architecture with footage of a deadly department store fire, is said to be .. “the most viscerally exciting work of art” .. and as having .. “the potential fundamentally to change the way knowledge is transferred”: and if that’s not a load of old bullshit then …

… I don’t know what is !

3 Responses to “Time for turds at ‘The Turner’ again !”

  1. You are much like the child in “The Emperor’s New Clothes”. Remember the sham tailors and the people who wouldn’t tell the King that he was running around nude or perhaps in his underwear.and there was finallyy a parade and a child who told him the truth?

  2. Where is this competition held? Bulgaria?

  3. Anton UK said

    It’s all a good laugh as long as none of my taxes are being handed over to them. Unfortunately it seems …

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